Original-Titel: The Exchange
Ende: 19:30
Laufzeit: 30 Minuten
Wirtschaftsmagazin, USA 2024
LiveBreitbildformat 16:9
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19:00 The Exchange

04. Juni | CNBC Europe | 19:00 - 19:30 | Wirtschaftsmagazin
CNBC Europe

CNBC's "The Exchange" is the newsroom-based program for today's Investor. The show focuses on in-depth reporting around the most important and interesting stories to today's markets and investors. CNBC's deep roster of skilled reporters, guided by anchor Kelly Evans, provide actionable information to viewers as they make daily investment decisions.

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Alle gefundenen Sendungen

Sender Datum Zeit Titel der Sendung
CNBC Europe Di 04.06. 19:30 The Exchange
Mi 05.06. 19:00 The Exchange
Mi 05.06. 19:30 The Exchange
Do 06.06. 19:00 The Exchange
Do 06.06. 19:30 The Exchange
Fr 07.06. 19:00 The Exchange
Fr 07.06. 19:30 The Exchange
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